Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

Its All About My Country

This Is My Country, How About Yours?

Hello guys. This is me (again), Esa. I will tell you about my country and where exactly I was born. The weather, the foods, the tradition or culture, and etc. Don't you curious guys? About what my country looks like and what you still don't know and all stuff that you wanna know about my country will be discussed in here. So, lets check it out! ;)

And...ta-daaa :D 
6 facts about my country would be...

1. Malang is the second largest city in East Java. It has a history dating back to the Singhasari. And as we know, Malang is full of population. It makes Malang will get a lot of traffic jam and it makes me frustratiiing. But I love my country, whatever it looks like haha. Here is my country!! (wikipedia)

2. The city population at the 2010 Census was 820,243 (BPS, 2010). Yup. See? Its a lot of people guys. But because of that, we will find a lot of characteristic right? Haha. (wikipedia)

3. Okay next is People in East Java sometimes call it "Paris of East Java". This is because Malang city looks like Bandung city. And in Malang city has so many culture and so many beautiful place for holiday. (wikipedia)

4. In 2013, Malang was spared many of the effects of the Asian financial crisis and since that time it has been marked by steady economic and population growth. I am so proud of it guys haha.

5. And this are the details culture of Malang. The racial makeup of the city is mainly of Javanese, with a small percentage of Madurese, Chinese and Arab descent. And there is no apparent racial discrimination against Chinese minorities.Like most of Java, a large majority of Malang residents are Muslims; there are small minorities of Catholics, Hindus, and Buddhists. Arekan dialect of Javanese language is the day-to-day language used by Malang people. Many of the native Malang youths adopt a dialect that is called 'boso walikan', it is simply done by reversing the pronunciation of the words, an example of this is by pronouncing “Malang” as “Ngalam” instead. As a centre of tourism, Malang has various places of interest which can be classified into local, regional, national and international standards, including traditional dance performances such as Tari Topeng (Mask Dance), Jaran Pegon, Tari Beskalan (Beskalan Dance), etc. There are also 'Topeng' or Mask handicraft at the villages of Jabung and Kedungmonggo which have become a familiar landmark in Malang Regency. Football is the second religion in Malang, the city is a home for famous Asia football fans Aremania.(wikipedia)

6. And this are the foods of Malang city. Pecel rice, meatball, mix rice, rawon nguling, bhuk rice, and etc. You can find it all in the side of the road. And its cheap. So, dont worry about the price and the taste. It certainly very delicious! ;) (sumber)

So, this is it guys. 6 facts about Malang! You can have some fun in here with the tradition and the fooodddsss ;) Wanna know more about Malang? Keep follow my blog guys :D

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